IELTS Calgary

Want to get the desirable band in your IELTS exam? Then you not only need to be good at listening, writing and reading, but fluency in English speaking is vital for your overall success. Achieving fluency will help you in the IELTS speaking test and is essential as it will demonstrate your ability to converse naturally and effectively in English. 

Out of four components of IELTS exams, this segment evaluates your spoken English skills analyzing your accent and flow of speaking words.  

IELTS Calgary

When you are preparing for IELTS Calgary the educator of the Institute will teach you why this test is important and how it is designed to check your skills. Making yourself fluent in speaking English is important for your career as well as academic growth. So there are a few techniques given below that will make you fluent in English like a native speaker.

Key Points

  1. Regularly engage in English conversations to improve fluency and ease.
  2. Ensure clear pronunciation and effective intonation to sound natural.
  3. Enhance your speech with a varied vocabulary and synonyms to express yourself precisely.

1. Embrace Regular Practice

What will be the easiest technique to make yourself fluent in English? As per experts, students should embrace regular English speaking to develop fluency in spoken English. 

By consistently communicating in English with experts or native speakers, you can significantly improve your skills. Try to integrate English words and sentences into your daily routine. The more you practice, the more you will bring fluency in your speaking. 

2. Focus on Pronunciation

Pronunciation and tone are fundamental aspects of sounding natural in conversation. You need to speak English words clearly, accurately and loudly. Use different resources to improve your pronunciation. 

You can opt for pronunciation guides, online dictionaries with audio examples, and language learning apps. 

Additionally, pay attention to tone, which will make others understand your voice and words. Proper tone helps convey your emotional words. It will make your speech more engaging and comprehensible.

3. Expand Your Vocabulary and Use Synonyms

A repository of new words will let you speak English precisely and naturally. Every day, keep on updating your vocabulary. Learn new words and phrases as it will enable you to avoid repetition and articulate your thoughts more effectively. 

You can enhance your vocabulary by using synonyms to vary your language and add depth to your sentences. For instance, you can replace the word ‘good’ with ‘excellent’. Following this technique will enrich your speech. 

4. Practice Thinking in English

One easy way to make yourself fluent in English is to begin thinking in English rather than translating from your native language. This technique reduces the time you spend searching for words in your mind.  

To bring more superiority in your speaking style, engage yourself in activities such as narrating daily routines in English. Over time this practice will help you respond more quickly and naturally during conversations. 


5. Develop Effective Listening Skills

To achieve fluency in English, you do not need to speak it correctly, but you need to be a good listener. During the IELTS speaking test, listening carefully to the examined questions and comments helps students to answer as well-structured responses. 

Practice to become an active listener by engaging yourself in conversations where English is important. This technique will improve your ability to interact more naturally.  

Last Words!

IELTS Calgary lets you master fluency in English speaking with dedication and the right technique. Learn & Talk educators keep students involved in the regular practice of English speaking by engaging them in different activities. 

To be a fluent English speaker follow the above given strategies as it will help you effectively prepare for the IELTS test.